Autopolis is a motorsport track located in Japan, its main layout length is 4744 meters.

Country Japan (JP)
Track length4.7 km / 2.9 miles
Track record2:15.90 (-)
Car record2:20.64 (swiftsports)
Motorcycle record2:40.14 (R-25????)
Kart record0:00.00 (-)
Top speed-
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Fastest lap times on Autopolis (4.7 km)

Rank Lap time Nickname Vehicle
12:15.90 User-f4c6 -
22:20.64 User-e639 swiftsports
32:22.87 User-39bb Corolla
42:25.46 User-91a4 swift sports
52:28.48 User-b733 Mrsmao
62:29.17 User-4efa ????TT8J
72:29.83 User-7f1d c63AMG
82:30.16 User-ee9b roadster
92:30.25 User-ef3f 86 ZN6
102:32.61 User-3f47 S6seiki

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