Bondurant is a motorsport track located in United States, its main layout length is 1752 meters.

Country United States (US)
Track length1.8 km / 1.1 miles
Track record1:03.04 (Hellffg)
Car record1:03.04 (Hellffg)
Motorcycle record0:00.00 (-)
Kart record0:00.00 (-)
Top speed-
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Fastest lap times on Bondurant (1.8 km)

Rank Lap time Nickname Vehicle
11:03.04 User-01ac Hellffg
21:04.07 User-ab7e okokol
31:04.54 User-2da1 Hellcat
41:05.38 BlakeChoquer -
51:06.01 User-5ee9 Dodge Challenger 392
61:06.05 User-5ad1 Hellcat
71:06.17 User-fd5b Hellcathellcat
81:06.24 User-2a7a Hellcat 5
91:06.50 User-d1f3 Hellcat
101:06.60 User-5dd7 Miata

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