AMP - Karting is a motorsport track located in United States, its main layout length is 1381 meters.

Country United States (US)
Track length1.4 km / 0.9 miles
Track record1:05.19 (Sean22)
Car record1:10.41 (Amp Kart)
Motorcycle record0:00.00 (-)
Kart record1:05.19 (Sean22)
Top speed-
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Fastest lap times on AMP - Karting (1.4 km)

Rank Lap time Nickname Vehicle
11:05.19 Sean45 Sean22
21:09.90 User-4ba1 -
31:10.16 ColtK Amp Rental
41:10.37 User-0a59 Kartymcgee
51:10.41 Damon Amp Kart
61:11.19 NorahW NorahW
71:11.44 SimDaddy Amp Kart
81:11.48 AaronT Amp Rental
91:12.48 User-cc58 Kartttt
101:12.49 User-c7b8 -

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